Balchindorj Yesuukhei - Solar Installer
Hi there!☀️
My name is Balchindorj Yesuukhei, 25 years old and I'm a solar installer here at Svea Solar
You have done quite a journey here, what can you tell us about it?
Wow how fast time has passed since my first day. It's been quite an adventure, exploring a new business outside during different seasons (weather-wise) which has served a lot of exciting challenges. Eventful and variation are the two words I easily can explain my different assignments with, boring is not even in my work dictionary.
What does a normal day at work look like?
A normal day begins with that we head out to the project, where we also plan and discuss the agenda for the day in regard to the weather which is a crucial factor. Here is a list of things that my workday contains:
- Communication with customers to ensure execution of cable routing and installation of the inverter
- Install the scaffold according to the roof height
- Roof measurement
- Roof attachments

What do you enjoy the most with your work?
I truly enjoy every single part of my daily work but if I must choose something specific I think it has to be the cable routing. The reason behind it is that with every new project com
es a new roof and therefore also a new challenge which forces me to become more creative and deliver new ideas. This is really fun!
What did you do before starting at Svea Solar?
I worked at a food factory called Cookin before joining Svea Solar, I also played a lot of volleyball
Why did you choose to join Svea Solar?
My big brother Dash worked here and he strongly recommended Svea Solar. I remember Dash always telling me how fascinating and fun he found his job, I can also recall that he told me about his experiences and all of the possibilities with a true spark in his eyes - then I was hooked. And now a few months later everything he said can I truly validate
What's the best thing about having you as a teammate?
My strong work ethic and big ambition to deliver as good work performance as possible. I'm also that person who never stops being curious, I'm constantly on the hunt for more knowledge.
One of the best things about Svea is the growth journey and we as employees can grow as the company grows. I'm very keen to keep on growing into new roles and I now have my eyes open for a Team Lead role. The journey ahead can't become anything apart from exciting! ⭐️