Hugo Bjon - From Junior Sales Consultant to Sales Consultant in four months
Tell us about yourself and your journey here at Svea Solar?
My name is Hugo, I’m 20 years old and I currently live on my own and my focus and passion is in sales since I started 1,5 years ago. My ambition is to dedicate myself to this career path and sync it with my lifestyle. The journey at Svea Solar began in September with a team of five, including myself. It marked a new chapter, shaping the core of outbound sales for both Svea and us. Guided by an excellent leader, I built strong connections within the team, making it an enjoyable journey.
What did you do before you joined Svea Solar?
I've been working in sales since I finished school, starting with 10 months of B2C sales for Tele2. I later transitioned to coordinating meetings for Sweden's broker agencies for a couple of months. Before joining Svea Solar, I had a brief stint in sales with the Swedish Postcode Lottery learning an easy but necessary way of sales. Joining the outbound sales team here was a stroke of good fortune. To sum it all, all experiences that I have had has contributed to the current success which I’m grateful for.
Do you think is necessary to have a background in sales for the positions as a Junior Sales Consultant?
While not a necessity, having a sales background has been beneficial. Our team comprises three experienced and well grounded guys, Saman, Leon, and myself and two girls, Frida and Clara, who excelled without prior sales experience. Success as a Junior Sales Consultant, or in higher positions, is more about mindset and dedication than past experience.

How has your few days as a Sales Consultant been?
The first days as a Sales Consultant have been thrilling and educational. Embracing a new, more in-depth approach to work and taking ownership of the entire process presents challenges, but I'm confident it will be an exciting and exceptional journey.
What do you know today that you would like to tell the Hugo who started five months ago?
To my rookie self, I'd say, keep your mind strong and your head held high. To keep the same attitude everyday, see everyday as a new blank page to continue the constant work flow and keep a good sales-condition. It's the key to a successful journey that will reward your efforts in the long run.