Installation recruitment process
If you are interested in applying to a position in our Installation organisation, like a position as an Installer or Electrician. You would most likely go through a recruitment process that looks like the on below. There could however be some differences depending on the special need for a particular recruitment.

Send in you application, either with or with-out resume. As long as we get both your e-mail and phone number, we can take it from there!

Our AI-bot Hubert will ask you a couple of questions based on the requirement of this position :)

If you have qualified from our first step, a Talent Acquisition Partner will schedule a meeting for a phone interview

The next step in the process will be a physical meeting at installation hub (the office you will be working from if you get role). There you will meet with the recruiting manager

The last step! We will use our tool Refapp, which will send you an e-mail asking you to fill in your references. Then we will contact your references and get back to you afterwards.

Once every step in the recruitment process is done and we believe we are a good fit for each other, we will give you an employment offer. If we come to an agreement we will send you the employment contract through Pocketlaw (our e-signature tool) and once you have signed it, you have become our next Power Shifter!